Philips Lighting is a unit within the Philips Group, focusing specifically on lighting products and services. Based in Eindhoven, their lighting systems are developed to connect spaces, people, softwares, and landscapes. Spanning across public spaces, office and industrial spaces, as well as retail and hospitality spaces, Philips aims to improves spaces and transform environments through their luminaires and lighting controls. Working with their clients, Philips Lighting provides tailored services to address specific needs.

- Marion Verbücken

“Well, design and design thinking, they are in the capability of transforming the world and transforming really how we see the future. They are also understanding the insights of people. They look at that we have to discover, and define, and design, and deliver, and by that we can really see the future by using the insights. By using the right tools, and methodologies, and user experience flows, and then we can look at what is needed to change, but also by dreaming. You know, head in the clouds. We can at least dream away so these two paths [are] coming together and I think that design is capable of doing so and make it tangible, visual, and make it shown to people what could be the future.” - Marion Verbücken
“This is where we have to... as designers we can rethink things. We can say, ‘Stop, yeah, the technology it can do fine. But is it necessar[il]y the desired preference?’ Are people really waiting for this? Are we making the world more complex? Can we make it more simple? We are daily already having so much to control our life, how can we empower people in an intuitive way. How can we empower them—I see it as enablers, enjoyable enablers that enriches their life, that makes it relevant in our life, that are meaningful innovations.” - Marion Verbücken
“I think that design is really becoming a facilitator of transformation, of guidance, because design can be done by computers in such a fast way nowadays. With such algorithms [where] you just have to input, and things come out. We have a digital manufacturing future that goes straight from how design less and less, [and] more creating objects necessarily in the way we think or did it in the past. Designing, and then people, only when it was extreme looking, ‘Oh, that's designed.’ When it's square-ish or common looking, it's not designed to people's minds. So we are more and more going away from that to more deeper thinking of, even contributing to, not designing the light, the lamp, but designing the light effect.” - Marion Verbücken
This interview was conducted by Malcolm Kutar + Robbie Sebullen -